Below are 4 common errors and fixes regarding check run exports. Click the links below to navigate.

Invoice Already Exists in QuickBooks

You have two options when dealing with this error:

1. Navigate to QuickBooks and remove the invoice. This will now be available to export in Ottimate and then flow to VendorPay.


2. Mark as exported in Ottimate. Click into the invoice, click the More dropdown, click Mark as Exported. This will flow to VendorPay as well.

Invoices Need To Be Exported First

You will need to navigate to Needs Attention and select the invoice you are working on. Click into the invoice and click Export.

Bank Account Name Matching

Navigate to Settings by clicking the dropdown on the top right. Click Bank Accounts on the left, click into your bank account. 

Under Account Detail, Select the correct payment account from the dropdown. These have been imported from your accounting software. Click Save when finished.

Please Note: This has to match the exact name of this bank in your Accounting Software.

Payment Number (Check Number) Already Exists in QuickBooks

Navigate to Settings by clicking the dropdown on the top right. Click Bank Accounts on the left, click into your bank account. 

Under Account Detail, verify that the Last Check Number matches your accounting software. 

Payment may already be applied.